Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

Middle School/Jr. High Hangout (6th-8th grade) - October 11th


Parents, we are having our next middle school (6th-8th grade) hangout on Friday, October 11th, 6PM-8PM, here at the Salvation Army Tustin Ranch.

We'll have dinner and games. Your kids will be able to meet others from different schools.

Your kid can bring a friend with them.

Send an email to brian.yi@usw.salvationarmy.org to RSVP.

Add your information for the Corps Directory

To add your information for the Corps Directory, please do so by clicking this link: Corps Directory update • The Salvation Army Tustin Ranch Corps (elvanto.net)


Tustin Ranch Band would love to see you on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2024 as we have our next OPEN REHEARSAL.

9:30am for coffee and donuts
10:00am fro rehearsal
12:30pm for lunch

Please click here to sign up so we have enough music and food!

There's no pressure - just a time to play, enjoy fellowship and food

Volunteer at the Anaheim Shelter

We have several upcoming volunteer opportunities over the next few months and would love your support:

  • Monthly Cleaning Days – Help keep our facilities clean and welcoming for residents. (10/19, 11/16, 11/30)
  • Gardening Day – Assist with planting and maintaining the gardens. (10/12)
  • Summer BBQ – Help us host a fun BBQ for the residents at the Center of Hope. (9/30)

If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up here: Volunteer Sign-Up.

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday Night Bible Study with Major Ken

Major Ken will be starting up an 8-week Bible Study, starting October 22nd.

You can sign up for that here.

The Perine's Furlough Dates

In case you're wondering where the Perine's are on a Sunday, they might be away on furlough.

Here are their furlough dates...

  • October 6


This Month

Live Bright: Shine Jesus’ Light.
Compassion is caring enoughto do something about someone else’s needs. Open the Bible together and read Mathew 5:14-16     

Engagement Questions

What is something that shines bright?
What can you do this week to
remember that you can shine God’s
Where can you be a light this week?

TR Calendar

Please Sign in for more information

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If you don't have a login please click the  icon to create an account


Join a Community Group

Join one of our Community Groups

Sunday Bible Study Community Group Doug O'Brien (Sunday Morning)

Join Now!

Prayer Community Group Major Ken (Sunday Morning 9:50am) 

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Sunday Bible Study Community Group Brian and Joy (Sunday Afternoon)

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Young Adults Community Group

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Youth (Teens) Community Group

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Soccer Community Group Oliver and Chelsea (Wednesday Nights)

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Home League Community Group Esperanza Flores (Wednesday Mornings)

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Crafters/Quilters Community Group Nancy Romero (Wednesday Afternoon/Evening)

Join Now!


Kids and Youth Programs

Kids and Youth Programs 

For more information please contact: 


or at 714.210.6035 

Family Events

Family Events are held throughout the year to help bring families from our church, preschool, afterschool program and community together.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is held every year during the summer and consists of crafts, games, snacks, bible stories and fun.

Sunday Childcare

Every Sunday Childcare is available for children aged 1-12 y/o during our 10:30 am service. We always have room for more so please come and join us. 



Thurday Kids Music Night

We are offering FREE music and Dance classes for those aged 6-12 on Thursdays starting at 5:00pm. Please click here for more information.

Jr. Band

Jr. Band is our brass group for youth starting ages 7-18.  This group meets every Thursday @ 6:15pm and will participate on Sundays. For more information or to register your child to learn a brass instrument please contact Neil Smith at 


Junior Choir

Singing Company is our children’s choir from ages 6-12 which rehearse on Thursday evenings at 5pm and participates on Sundays. For more information contact Brian Yi at Brian.Yi@usw.salvationarmy.org

Music Ministries at Tustin Ranch

Check out the different music ministries and groups that we have here at The Salvation Army Tustin Ranch...

  • PRAISE AND WORSHIP BAND: takes part in the Sunday services each week, leading the congregation in contemporary music. For more information, please email Brian Yi.
  • BRASS BAND: meets every Thursday at 7pm to rehearse. The band plays in the Sunday services in addition to playing throughout the year for special events. For more information, please email Neil Smith.
  • JUNIOR BAND: meets every Thursday at 6:15pm for their rehearsals and is for elementary, jr. high, and high school students. For more information, please email Neil Smith.
  • KIDS MUSIC NIGHT: meets every Thursday from 4:30-7:15PM and is for K-5th graders. Classes include timbrels, guitar, choir, dance, percussion, and brass. The night includes chapel and dinner. For more information, please email Brian Yi.

Head over to our YouTube channel to see our music groups in action.



Community Groups

At The Salvation Army Tustin Ranch, we understand the value of small community groups in building deeper connections and growing in faith. That's why we have a variety of community groups tailored to different demographics and interests. Check out the groups to get connected today.