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Summer Camp 2025!

 Summer Camp is around the corner.

Click here for more info about camp and to register your kids!

Music Ministries at Tustin Ranch

Check out the different music ministries and groups that we have here at The Salvation Army Tustin Ranch...

  • PRAISE AND WORSHIP BAND: takes part in the Sunday services each week, leading the congregation in contemporary music. For more information, please email Brian Yi.
  • BRASS BAND: meets every Thursday at 7pm to rehearse. The band plays in the Sunday services in addition to playing throughout the year for special events. For more information, please email Neil Smith.
  • JUNIOR BAND: meets every Thursday at 6:15pm for their rehearsals and is for elementary, jr. high, and high school students. For more information, please email Neil Smith.
  • KIDS MUSIC NIGHT: meets every Thursday from 4:30-7:15PM and is for K-5th graders. Classes include timbrels, guitar, choir, dance, percussion, and brass. The night includes chapel and dinner. For more information, please email Brian Yi.

Head over to our YouTube channel to see our music groups in action.